The Docuseries
Trailer Docuserie Le Maioliche

Part 1

A sensory journey

The inspiration came from a trip to a small Italian town famous for its hand-painted majolica, which impressed us with its beauty and uniqueness.
We wanted to capture the essence of this centuries-old art and turn it into an experience accessible to everyone, not only as an object of beauty but also as an element of everyday well-being.
Each product is designed to transport the consumer to a different corner of Italy, from a cool day among the lemon groves of Sicily, to the enveloping scent of the Oranges in Bloom, to the relaxing aroma of the herbs of the Mediterranean maquis.

The birth of a majolica

For the designs, we collaborated with an artist known for her extraordinary ability to reinterpret the traditional art of majolica in a modern key Elisabetta Menicanti. To ensure the authenticity and quality of the motifs, the designs were initially produced on ceramic, faithfully following the original majolica techniques. This process involved the use of ‘spolvero’ to trace the outlines, followed by skilful brush strokes of colour applied by hand. Each piece was then fired, thus completing the creation of the original ceramic tile.