Política de cookies

Dear User,

Rudy Profumi SRL with registered office in via Einstein 4 20057, Assago, Milan, Italy (hereinafter the "Data Controller"), contactable by e-mail at shop@rudyprofumi.com or by telephone at +390248844436, provides this cookie policy in order to explain the types and purposes of cookies used by the website “rudyprofumi.it” where you are currently browsing (hereinafter, the "Website") and to explain how to manage your preferences as to the use of cookies.

For any matters not specifically covered by this cookie policy, please consult the privacy policy available here.


The Website uses cookies, Internet tags and similar technologies (hereinafter "cookies"), which are small files containing packets of information that are transmitted from a web server to the visitor's/user's web browser and automatically stored on his/her device (personal computer, tablet, mobile phone, etc.), and automatically re-transmitted to the server each time he/she accesses the Website. A cookie can only be used by the web server that issued it (or by any third parties with whom it was originally shared); this means, for example, that a cookie generated by the Rudy Profumi SRL web server cannot be read by servers managed by third parties. The cookie is then re-read and recognised by the website that transmission it each time a later connection is made. Internet tags (also known as tracking pixels, action tags, web beacons, single-pixel GIFs, clear GIFs, or 1x1 GIFs) are placed on online advertisements that bring users to this Website and also on various pages of this Website. This technology is used in order to measure visitors' responses to the Website and the effectiveness of related advertising campaigns (including how many times a page is opened and what information is accessed), and also to evaluate Website usage.


Cookies are useful because they enable the user's browsing preferences to be stored and, therefore, the Website to be personalised according to the user's preferences thereby thus improving users' browsing experience. Cookies can, for instance, make the use of the Website more immediate and/or enable certain functionalities. For example, with cookies one can avoid re-entering the same information multiple times during one’s visit. In certain cases, moreover, cookies help to ensure that advertisements displayed online are more relevant to you or your interests.

Some cookies are necessary for the Website to properly function or are useful for a more personalised use thereof; in this event, supressing them could compromise certain functionalities. Also thanks to cookies, Rudy Profumi SRL can publish on its Website (directly or through third parties) ads that are in keeping with your interests, inferred based on your online activities and browsing habits.


Cookies can be distinguished based on the following criteria:

  • Based on the party managing the cookies
    1. proprietary or first-party cookies: these cookies are installed and managed directly by the Data Controller through the Website;
    2. third party cookies: these cookies are generated, installed through the Website, and managed by third parties other than the Data Controller;
  • Based on the time they remain active
    1. session cookies: these store the necessary information during the browsing session and are deleted immediately after the session is over, i.e. when the browser is closed;
    2. persistent cookies: these are stored on the hard disk of the device you are using to browse the web, and the Website reads them each time you access it once more. A persistent cookie has a pre-determined expiry date, after which it will cease to function.
  • Based on the purposes pursued
    1. technical cookies: these are required to facilitate the user to navigate the Website and use its various features. Without these cookies, certain services or features could not be provided and navigation on the Website would not be streamlined and functional;
    2. analytics cookies: these are used to obtain statistical information (in aggregate or otherwise) on the number of users accessing the Website and on the manner in which the Website is used;
    3. profiling cookies: these are used to create a profile of the user in order to display ads more likely to tally with his/her interests, as reflecting his/her tastes and consumption habits.


TECHNICAL COOKIES - This type of cookie enables certain sections of the Website to function properly and is essential to allow the user to navigate around the Website and use its features. Technical cookies are used, for example, to recognise the user who has logged in to his/her private area and to keep the session open also when visiting other pages of the Website, or to guarantee certain site security features and monitor its correct functioning.

Two categories of technical cookie exist:

  • navigation cookies: these ensure the Website’s normal use and are generally session cookies, that are automatically deleted when the browser is closed; these cookies are required for the operation of the Website and cannot be disabled in our systems. If you reject these cookies by changing your browser settings, we cannot guarantee the proper performance of the Website during your visit.
  • functional cookies: these enable you to navigate the Website based on a number of selected criteria (e.g. your language or country of origin) in order to improve the services provided on the Website. These are persistent cookies, which remain on your device even after you close your browser, until the expiry date scheduled for each cookie (typically two months to two years) or until you delete them. If you reject these cookies, you will not be able to enjoy the aforementioned browsing features, which may compromise the performance of the Website as well as your browsing experience.

Technical cookies are not used for any purpose other than those mentioned above.

If the user consents to the installation of cookies, the Data Controller will keep track of this consent by means of a specific technical cookie. This means that the cookie banner will not have to be re-displayed on future visits to the Website. Below is a list of the technical cookies currently used on the Website:

  • _ab - Used for administrator access.
  • _orig_referrer - Keeps track of 'landing' pages.
  • secure_session_id - Used for navigation through a "storefront".
  • Cart - Used for the cart.
  • cart_sig - Used for the check-out.
  • cart_ts - Used for the check-out.
  • checkout_token - Used for the check-out.
  • Secret - With unknown functionality.
  • Secure_customer_sig - Used for customer access.
  • storefront_digest - Used for customer access.
  • cookieconsent_status - Stores cookie consent preferences.
  • cookieconsent_preferences_disabled - Stores cookie consent preferences.

(these cookies are required for the operation of the Website and cannot be disabled)

ANALYTICAL COOKIES - Cookies in this category are used to collect statistical information (in aggregate or otherwise) on how users utilise and navigate the Website they access.

The Website uses this information for anonymous statistical analysis purposes, in order to enhance the use of the Website by users and to make the content more interesting and relevant to users. Certain cookies are used to calculate the value of the advertising offer, identify individual ads and know which ones have been selected and when. The user's prior consent is required by applicable laws in order for third-party analytical cookies to be installed. If the user consents to the installation of analytical cookies, the Data Controller will keep track of this consent by means of a specific technical cookie. This means that the cookie banner will not have to be re-displayed on future visits to the Website.

Users are free to consent to the installation of analytical cookies and to revoke their consent at any time, without compromising their ability to visit the Website and enjoy its content.

Analytical cookies are transmitted from the Website or from third-party domains/websites. Below is a list of analytical cookies currently used on the Website:

  • _shopify_fs - Shopify analytics.
  • _shopify_s - Shopify analytics.
  • _shopify_sa_t - Shopify's marketing and referral analytics.
  • _shopify_uniq - Shopify analytics.
  • _shopify_visit - with unknown functionality.
  • _shopify_y - Shopify analytics.
  • _y - Shopify analytics.
  • Tracked_start_checkout - Used for the checkout.
  • _ga - To store and count page views.
  • _gat – To read and filter requests from bots.
  • __atuvc - Stores actions performed on the Website.
  • __atuvs - Stores actions performed on the Website.
  • __atuvc - Stores actions performed on the Website.
  • __utma - Stores the calculation of days and time to make the purchase.

(These cookies enable you to measure visitor traffic and see the sources of traffic by collecting information in data sets. They also help you learn about the most popular products and activities in your shop).

PROFILING COOKIES - Profiling cookies are used to group users into homogeneous categories based e.g. on user preferences. These cookies can be used, among other things, to send ads that are in keeping with the user's online behaviour and browsing interests (therefore also outside the Rudy Profumi SRL Website). The user's prior consent is required by applicable laws in order to instal profiling cookies. Users are free to consent to the installation of profiling cookies and to revoke their consent at any time, without compromising their ability to visit the Website and enjoy its content. However, even if the user decides not to consent to the use of profiling cookies, advertising will still be displayed on the Website, but it may not be consistent with your interests or preferences. If the user consents to the installation of profiling cookies, the Data Controller will keep track of this consent by means of a specific technical cookie. This means that the cookie banner will not have to be re-displayed on future visits to the Website.

Profiling cookies are installed by the Data Controller and by third parties who act as independent data controllers (third party cookies). Specifically, profiling cookies that may be installed through the Website with the user's consent, facilitate the following purposes:

  • storing and/or accessing information on a device: cookies, device identifiers or other information may be stored or retrieved on the user's device;
  • selecting basic ads: displaying ads based on user-viewed content, based on the app used, on the user’s approximate location, or on the type of device used to browse the Website;
  • creating a profile of customised ads: creating a profile related to the user and his/her interests, in order to display customised ads;
  • selecting customised ads: displaying customised ads based on the user-related profile;
  • creating a profile of customised content: creating a profile related to the user and his/her interests in order to display relevant customised content to him/her;
  • selecting customised content: selecting the customised content to be displayed based on the user-related profile;
  • evaluating ad performance: evaluating the performance and effectiveness of ads viewed by the user or with which he/she interacts;
  • evaluating content performance: evaluating the performance and effectiveness of content viewed by the user or with which he/she interacts;
  • carrying out market research to learn more about viewers: using market research to learn more about the viewers that visit the Website and view ads;
  • developing and fine-tuning products: using user browsing data to improve existing systems and software and develop new products;
  • ensuring security, fraud prevention and debugging: monitoring browsing activity to prevent fraudulent activity and to ensure that systems and processes operate properly and securely;

To achieve one or more of these purposes, profiling cookies installed through the Website may also utilise the following features:

  • matching and combining offline data sources: data from offline sources may be combined with the user's online activity to support one or more purposes;
  • linking different devices: determining whether different devices belong to the same user or the user's household, to support one or more purposes;
  • receiving and using characteristics that the device automatically sends for identification purposes: distinguishing one device from other devices based on information it automatically sends, such as IP address or browser type;
  • using precise geolocation data: precise geolocation data can be used to support one or more purposes. This means that the user's location can be determined precisely, to within a few metres;
  • scanning device characteristics for identification purposes: the device can be identified based on a scan of the unique combination of the device’s characteristics.

Below is a list of profiling cookies currently used on the Website:

  • _gads - To provide ad serving or retargeting.
  • IDE - with unknown functionality.
  • _s - Shopify analytics.
  • Collect - with unknown functionality.
  • GPS - Stores location data.
  • PREF - Stores user preferences.
  • BizoID - with unknown functionality.
  • _fbp - Stores and monitors Website visits.
  • _fbc - Stores the last visit.
  • __adroll - with unknown functionality.
  • __adroll_v4 - with unknown functionality.
  • __adroll_fpc - with unknown functionality.
  • __ar_v4 - stores and monitors conversions.

(Marketing cookies are used to target advertising to a user (behavioural targeting). They are often served by third-party companies and track a user across websites).


(These cookies enable our Website to offer additional features and personal settings. Settings may be set by us or by third party service providers that we have placed on our pages. If you do not accept these cookies, these or some of these services may not function properly).

  • _gid - To store and count page views.
  • __cfduid - To provide reliable web traffic identification.

The Website also features plugins for sharing social networking cookies, which enable users to share their information with social networks and social network operators, identify users and store information about their use of the Website in their profiles. If the user does not accept these cookies, he/she cannot use or view these sharing tools. The user can view information, at the following links, on how the social networks to which the social buttons refer manage cookies:


When users access the Website and have their browser set to accept cookies, they can express their preferences regarding the various types of cookies through the pop-up banner displayed on the Website’s pages.

The user can exercise his preferences in more detail by clicking on the "Preferences" button in the cookie banner or by accessing the following link. The preference modification window enables the user to consent to or reject various types of cookies, which can be issued directly by the Data Controller or by its partners and suppliers; this means that a preference need not be expressed for each individual cookie or for each third party. The different types of cookies are identified and categorised based on the purposes for which the cookies are issued and used, so that they can be recognised more easily and directly.

If the user consents to the installation of profiling cookies, the Data Controller will keep track of this consent by means of a specific technical cookie. This means that the cookie banner will not have to be re-displayed on future visits to the Website.

In particular, when the user accesses the Website through the pop-up banner, he/she can choose to:

  • accept the installation of all the categories of cookies listed above by clicking on the "Accept" button;
  • choose which categories of cookies to accept or refuse based on their purpose, by selecting or deselecting each cookie category individually, clicking on the "Preferences" button;
  • reject the installation of all categories of cookies (except for necessary technical cookies) by clicking on the "Reject all" button.


If users have already expressed their preferences and therefore no longer see the pop-up banner displayed when accessing the Website, they can  access their Preferences at any time and change their cookie choices. The user needs to be aware that preferences expressed on the Website will be valid for the entire second level domain to which he/she belongs.


Nearly all web browsers automatically accept cookies by default. Users can, by changing their browser settings, decide to make the installation of any type of cookie conditional on his/her consent or to prevent their installation completely. The configuration of each browser is different. More detailed instructions on how to manage cookies for the most popular browsers are provided below. Browser manufacturers may occasionally update or change the references of the underlying links, so it is advisable to check the instructions provided by the manufacturers of the browsers you are using, in order to learn how to set cookies.

To delete cookies from the Internet browser on your smartphone or tablet, please consult the user manual of the device.

Google Chrome

Internet Explorer




We also recommend the user to occasionally check the information provided in their browser, and also the information and policies on the use of cookies drawn up by third parties, as mentioned above, also to ensure one is fully informed about any changes made to such information by their respective suppliers.

For further information, also on the rights of users, on how to exercise those rights or on how to contact Rudy Profumi SRL, please consult the privacy policy on the processing of personal data, available in the Website footer.


This policy may be amended over time, also based on the enactment of new rules in this sector, updates, the provision of new services or the introduction of technological innovations. Please review this policy regularly in case of any changes.